CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Vedanta
Package: 3.8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 45 Minutes
The aptitude test consisted of 35 aptitude questions
mostly concerned with analytical reasoning, data interpretation and vocabulory.

Pattern of Group Discussion

As only 12 of us are shortlisted, we are directly called for the interview without group discussuion round.

Technical Interview

I got a more technical interview than a hr.
it started with my industrial training
he asked me in a very detail about my trainin and what do i learn from my training.
do well here. dis would drag you to your other topics in which he would lyk to test you.
he asked a few concepts from fluid mechanics like pumps , valves and priming etc..,
he asked me a few questions about unit processes and design of a CSTR.

HR Interview

The first question asked to me in the interview is "Tell me about yourself"
I screwed my first interview just because i am unable to anser dis qustion perfectly
so dis tym i just relaxed myself and told him very confidently abot me, my family,
my schooling and hw i feel about myself being at nitw, my strengths etc..,(dont ever mention your weakness)

he alsoasked me questions like:
why do u need a job? why vedanta? are you goin to work at any site offered etc..,


prepare well for the aptitude tests
be confident and brush up the basics
u must be comfortable enough to answer questions about your industrial training.
when you are answering questions speak about the topics familiar to you and maximum avoid the topics which you may feel difficult or you are not confident enough to answer.

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