CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Vedanta
Package: 3 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

Technical questions were mainly asked from: mine ventilation, open cast mining, mining machineries, explosives and blasting. Overall it was easy (mainly included fundamental questions)

HR Interview

HR tried to pin me down, but i handelled it quite well, an am happy about that.

questions like:
Why makes you special amongst the others, that you should be selected? What makes you deserving for Vedanta.?

Its the present trend of fresh engineers , shifting towards management (MBA), you will also run after it, why shall we select you?(with a negative tone)

If you are posted in a remote, downthroden place like zambia...will you acdept it?
(on answering in affermative)(with a negative tone) I dont want to know your personel excitement filled view, you have a family, they won't allow you? Do you want to say anything now?..


The initial shortlisting procedure was completely unknown to the students. Only known to the HR department and the company itself.

Finally interview was mainly based on technical question along with questions from HR..(which was a major part in my case)..


Stay calm and cool, get mentally prepared to answer anything asked to you.
Be confident,
Make yourself a strong base.
Keep yourself updated.
Good communication, is obviously a plus point.
...........rest..prey to your GOD,
and aethists : leave it on your fate....


No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Students were priorly short listed, on the basis of their marks, age, and other criterias,
In total 19 out of 34 were shortlisted of which 9 got selected, while 1 was kept in waiting, but finally got selected bringng the number to 10.
No ranks were declared officialy.
i think in my case a few things that worked in my favour were:
Good confidence level
A clear grasp of the subject matters, concepts, fundaas..etc
and yes..a bit of luck too!

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