Technical questions :
1) stress- strain curve
2) Why steel is used as a reinforcement in concrete?
3) If you are provided with Aluminium, Copper, Silver, Gold and Steel at the same price, what will you use for reinforcement and why?
My interviewer was very good and polite. He was more into discussing the present scenario of Civil engg. in India.
It was really a cake walk. ;)
The HR was a lady ---a very sharp one. She asked me to introduce myself. Den asked me abt my family, my brother, my achievements, my weaknesses, my strengths.She gave me a situation and asked me how to handle it.
All-in-all, both the intervioews were good, tho' I was really nervous. :)
The students having CGPA above 7.0 were allowed to sit for the written test.
there were abt. 50 ques. in the written test that included ques. from English (synonym, antonyms, relationship etc.) , GK (easy ones..) and Numerical ability.
The students that cleared the written were directly sent for their PI's.
1) Practice both technical and aptitude questions.
2) Be confident in whatever you say, but never try to act over smart b'coz the panel in-front of you will be always more experienced than you . ;)
3) If you don't know an answer but want to have a guess, tell dem so--- Sir, I'm not really sure abt. the answer, bt given a chance to have a guess, I would say...........
4) Mention anly those things in your resume abt. which you are very sure. Don't mention things just to make your resume file thick.
5) Be very polite in answering questions. The panel doesn't expect that you answer all the questions correctly. So. chillax and give it your best.
6) In the Technical round, prepare atleast 2 of your courses very strongly. The panel mostly asks for your favorite subjects and den ask questions from dat only.
7) And most importantly, If you din't get thru' any particular interview, don't waste your energy and time pondering over it..Better job/jobs are waiting for you. So, MOVE ON!!!! :)
No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour
From Civil, around 20-25 people applied, 4 got selected.
No rank as such was given by the company.
good gpa and past achievements.
Both of the interviewers were mostly asking abt. my past achievements ( Olympiads and paper presentations ) .