CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: McNally Bharat Engineering Co.Ltd
Package: 4.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

criteria was aptitude test marks conducted by the company..

GPA criteria

criteria was applicants were to have more than 65% marks in there semesters.

Technical Interview

civil engg questions on structure, steel and RCC design, Concrete tecnology, Soil mechanics and environment

HR Interview

HR questions wre basically introduction of myself, How would i have tackled the political unrest against industrialization being the opposition leader.
What my opinion on the TV reality show " Sach ka samna" as in how i felt aboutt the concept of the show...


be confident in answering whatever is asked to you.
if you are unable to answer something say boldly that you know about the topic but at that moment you are unable to recall the answer.
be yourself during the HR interview. Dont try to be what you are not.be straight forward in your answers.

Do not tell the interviewers about your plans for higher studies if you have any

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

aptitude test--then technical interview--H.R. interview

Approx 60 students sat for aptitude test. 5 students got selected, my rank among the applicants was 36.
good aptitude test results, Good technical interview and HR interview

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