CpjJwWHV's Interview
1973 unique views

Company: SISO
Package: 4.8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

The selection process included a total of 4 rounds viz. Aptitude test , Technical written test...

Technical Interview

Technical Interview:
the interviewer laid much emphasis on my final year B.tech project early on.then some basic questions of my favored subject(embedded systems) were asked next.
then he went on to ask questions from C programming language.
Finally he finished of with a Logical question framed by himself that was a little tricky in which he demanded for the Logic on how to solve the problem and nothing else

HR Interview

HR interview:
the HR interview was relatively easy as compared to the technical one.basically questions that would judge your personality and confidence were the ones that were asked which included
tell me about yourself?
your strengths and weakness - giving real life experiences? etc etc......
there were also some questions from the final year project here also and about how i was contributing to the team in the project.
he ended the interview asking me about whether i have any questions for him
and i confidently spoke up inquiring about the details of the company .and that was pretty much it.


Before the interview or the selection process begins just try to be as calm and relaxed as possible. Trust in your own preparation and don't try to gather last minute information as it only makes you more nervous.Foremost prepare well and be confident throughout the interview.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

total of 50-60 students applied and 3 got selected including myself...

In my opinion i would say that the confidence i showed in the interview did really do me good.Apart from that i had a good grasp about my project work which helped me a lot.Also i was prepared to face the fact that there would be instances in the interview where i would make a mistake , so as not to panic during that time.
finally there's no denying the fact that Luck did play an integral part in the whole process..

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