CpjJwWHV's Interview
1887 unique views

Company: BOC
Package: 4.2 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Technical question were asked in written round.
38 ques. in 30 minutes.
after that there was a group discussion followed by interview.

GPA criteria

More than 75% aggregate
no backlog,
no year gap

Technical Interview

basics of thermodynamics,refrigeration.
proove that sin^2X + cos ^2X =1? and many more.

HR Interview

tell me about urself, if have any problem in relocation, reason behind me not got selected in the previous companies i sat for? do you have any girl friend, and all about my future plans where i wud like to see myself after 5 years from now?why BOC??


>try to have a good command over your basics.
>mentally prepare urself for possible HR questions.
>never loose confidence
>avoid telling ur plans for mba/mtech.

All D Best!!

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

ppt, written, group discussion and interview.
5 people applied and only 1 got through.
I was available topper at dat tym.
my luck,confidence and past interview experience has helped me grab dis oppurtunity.

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