CpjJwWHV's Interview
1297 unique views

Company: BOC
Package: 4.2 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

written question consisted of only technical question..

Pattern of Group Discussion

topic of GD :should engineer opt for management
written question consisted of only technical question

GPA criteria

yes there was shortlisting process
1.avg. sem marks above 70%
2.no year gap after 12th or 10th
3.no past back log history,etc..

Technical Interview

in technical
about induction motor,transformer,circuit breaker,project

HR Interview

about myself ,my family background & yhe extracurricular activities i am involved in..


know about the company's profile,what the company does n in which field they r going to absorb u
brush up technical knowledge before appearing for interview
be confident
learn from ur previous interview n try to rectify ur mistakes
be nervous ,
lose hope..

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

a short listing on basis of marks and other criterion of the company like no year gap after 12th 70% aggre. mark, etc.
then written ,then 3 interviews:1. in collage technical & HR 2.in office technical 3.in office HR
after short listing 14 were eligible
my rank was 9th
2 was selected...
my project,technical knowledge,experience of appearing for previous interview and of course luck

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