Aptitude Test : 10 Minutes
Quantitative : 40 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 90 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
total 40 questions in that aptitude - 7-8 questions and remaining os ,networking ,c basics questions
>>60 min written test >>40 min technical interview >>50 min technical+aptitude(maths) >>20 min HR
first Technical Interview-cdma,gsm technology>>osi model>>explain all layer's functionalities in osi model
>>tcp/ip protocol>>deadlock>>semaphores kernel implementation>>problems on synchronizing(using
semaphores,mesg q's)>>simple questions on linked list>>questions on c lang,problem using bitwise operators
next--about project>>what is operating system,kernel>>explain operating system architecture>>process address
space,proc,uarea,kernel stack>>networks,datalink layer, udp,why u need it & its app>> general problem
solving(how many zero's 100!)
be good at basics ,do good project and take it seriously,Beside ur os-galvin and network-forzon/tananbum try to
read os-Design of operating systems(batch) ,networks - Internetworking with TCP/IP(dougles E.comer)-vol 1 and
other vol for programming ,this very good book to get the internal concepts.