CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: oracle
Package: 8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 0 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 0 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
An online aptitude test was there for around one and half hour. It had three sections: Quant, Basic Computer
Knowldege and Advanced Programming.
Basic Computer Knowledge had questions on DS(sorting, order complexity,etc), .
Advanced programming was pretty tough.

Technical Interview

1. 75 and 11 students were shortlisted for interview in Applications(APP) and Server Technolgy
(ST) profile respectievely. APP was open to all for branches whereas ST was open only for
B.Tech & M.Tech CSE. Shortlisting for APP was done on based of aptitude test whereas ST
was CV(CGPA) based. My remaning feedback is for APP.
2. I had 2 technical rounds.
-->A DI question was asked based on analytical skills.
-->NFA, convert NFA to DFA, epsilon-transistions.
-->reverse a link list.
-->BCNF,diff between BCNF & 3NF, table that satisfies 3NF & not BCNF.
-->normalization, DUI anamolies.
-->what is metadata
--> to draw block digram ,give design overview & ER diagram for a situation that was
-->Think how lift operates. Think of diff. kind of possiblities.Then we discussed the same..Then what data
structures will you use and write functions for the lift operations discussed.
-->a puzzle.
-->about my trainings.
3. Generally they were asking puzzles, C,C++,and DS progs to people from non CS background.
Whereas for CSE people they were asking other subjects as well. More focus was on DBMS.

HR Interview

In HR :
They were checking CV and were asking questions from the same.
-->About tranings.
-->Why your pointer is decreasing everytime.
-->Reason for drop after 12th.
-->Discussed about the subjects studied in B.Tech.
-->Also, asked questions on DBMS.


Knowledge of OS is really important for circuit branch people if they want a software job, and non- cse people
should try and acquire it by watching lectures or from books. Try solving more puzzles because most of the puzzles
asked are not completely original but a variation of those you find on the net. Try to be punctual for the selection
process, it helps trust me. Dont get disappointed if you dont get a job in the companies which are coming initially.
Believe in yourself, work hard. ALL THE BEST!

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

It was a nice experience, the company wants people with good programming aptitude, and a certain level of
knowledge in ds,os, dbms. The panel members were very patient. They made me feel comfortable and encouraged
me. They shortlisted 50 members for the interviews from a total of 330 applicants, so if you do the online test kind
of ok, you will get through. I personally dont think I did the online test upto my potential, but still got through to the
interviews, and in the interviews if you are good enough they will take you. They took 12 ppl for applications and 6
for server!!

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