CpjJwWHV's Interview
1238 unique views

Package: 4.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 0 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 10 Minutes
Verbal English : 10 Minutes
Technical : 35 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
The technical section was not very difficult and not very easy also . There were 30 questions in technical section
covering all the topics like C, C++, DBMS, JAVA, UNIX, OS, SQL .
After this 10 questions from apti and 10 from english .
There was sectional cutoff for each section.
Some questions ::
1. How shallow copy copies the object ?
2. What command is used to create one file in unix ?
3. What operations can be performed with Trigger ?
most of the question were what is the output of the following and queries also ...

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : Marriage
Time Given : 10 Minutes
Details of the process and your contribution:
it was a common topic and most of us had knowledge about the topic. But the HR wanted to see that how
effectively we express our thoughts and opinions with arguing other.
I didn't start first, i let others to start and after 3 - 4 conversations i started participating. because i thought that i
will be opposing and to oppose you need some thing to oppose .

Technical Interview

1. What languages do u know ?
i said : C, C++ and JAVA
2. How much do u rate yourself in all out of 10 ?
i said : 7 in C and C++ and 6 in JAVA
3. What is the difference between C++ and JAVA ?
4. Can we use C++ for web applications ?
5. Why or why not ?
6. What is each word stands for in public static void main() ?
7. What is DBMS ?
8. What is stored procedure ?
9. write a query to retrieve fifth topper from your class .
10. write a query to retrieve the names starting with "jeetendra "?
11. write a query to retrieve the names not starting with "jeetendra "?
12. what is a cursor ?
13. what is a trigger ?
14. She asked me to write some code ?
15. what is shell ?
16. what is kernel ?
17. what is JDBC and ODBC ?
18. what is a DS ?
19. Tell me some linear and nonlinear DS .
20. What are OOPs principles ? explain each with one real time example.
21. What is a process ?
22. What is a thread ?
23. How to connect java with oracle or any other database ?
24. What is a view ? Does it take memory ?
Then she asked about my projects. It took almost 15 to 20 minutes.

HR Interview

1. R u nervous ?
2. why ?
3. What is your fevorite colour ?
4. why black ?
5. Tell me five Scientific facts about black ?
6. Tell me about your family ?
7. Tell me any other information about u that u think we should know.
8. what was your fevorite subject up to graduation ?
9. which topics of maths ?
10. What is a circle ?
11. Draw a circle.
12. Draw a sphere ? Can u ?


This company mainly works with database so i suggest you to concentrate on database but at the same time be
average at other topics and be perfect with your projects . because there only they don't know anything and you
can steer them in any direction.
All The Best .....

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The selection process for this company was not very lengthy. I was average at every technical topic and as well as
good at apti that helped me a lot.

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