CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Package: Confidential
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : Minutes<br />
Quantitative : 30 Minutes<br />
Reasoning / Analytical : 15 Minutes<br />
Verbal English : 15 Minutes<br />
Technical : 0 Minutes<br />
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:<br />
Quantitative: Profit & Loss, permutation & Combination, Time & Work, Boat Stream, Probability, Sitting<br />
Arrangement, Series example:ABD, GED, HGD ???, Number Problem example: 2 4 _ 16, Odd man out, Total 30<br />
questions. Two to three question from each type.<br />
Reasoning:Age problem,Blood Realtion, Data sufficiency etc. Total 15 questions<br />
English : One Passage with 5 questions,Synonyms and Antinomy, Two question from GK eg. Which is the<br />
organisation that take care of Internet? Total 15 questions

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : Entrepreneurship or Job in good company<br />
Time Given : 20 Minutes<br />
Details of the process and your contribution:<br />
There were two topics given to us (10min for each):<br />
1. Self Employment, Entrepreneurship or Job in well establish organisation<br />
2.Technical people should go for Sales and Marketing or not.<br />
Both the time I have started the GD, I took the ataintation of all the remaining participant towards me, I spoke<br />
for 7-8 times in each one and fianlly concluded both the GD. Periodically I gave the chance to the participants who<br />
were not speaking.

Technical Interview

1. Tell me some thing about yourself.<br />
2. Favouret Subject. I said Strength of Material<br />
3. Whats SFB & BMD, why is required, draw SFD & BMD for simple supported beam with point load at the center?<br />
4. Cylce on which engine works (i.e. Otto & Diesel Cycle)<br />
5. Cylcle on which power plant works?<br />
6. Diffrence between 2-stroke & 4-stroke engine?<br />
7. What is Rapid Prototyping, how does a prototype is formed?<br />
8. Explain Layer Object Manufacturing?<br />
9. What is Catalystic, why it is required?<br />
10.What is STL file, why it is needed?<br />
11. Stress Strain Diagram

HR Interview

1. Tell me some thing about yourself.<br />
2. Then the interviewer took my resume and asked question on ever thing that was written in my resume. eg my<br />
achivements,pass seminars, project, hobbies, extra activities.<br />
3. Work experience. I do have a work wxperience of one year and currently working with L&T- Product<br />
Development Center<br />
for my final year project. so he was more intrested to know how I got project there. Which organisation do you<br />
think<br />
is better L&T or Endurance System my first ogranisation.<br />
4. What is Advance Product Quality Planning ?<br />
5. Do L&T is TS (Technical Specification) certified ?<br />
6. What is your interest? I said Sports<br />
7. Tell me about you two Strength and two weeknesses ? Strength I said I am Adaptable and Hard working person<br />
8. What do do you think about Sales and Marketing ? If your get a offer to join sales and marketung in our<br />
organisation will you like to join ? I gave all positive reply. Started with as I am a student of Product Design and<br />
Development I will give first preference to Design<br />
9. How will you convence others to buy your product?<br />
10.Should a compant hide some thing form customer? Give Example<br />
I said yes depending on the customer we should give them the required information.<br />
He asked me example, tell me about any company that I know which is hiding some information about there<br />
product. I<br />
was confused at that time and I kept quite for some time. In the mean time I saw bottle of mineral water on the<br />
table in fornt of me. That click me some thing than I said all the mineral water manufacture says about the purity<br />
of water but they never focous on the contimination that water will get if exposed to higher temperature.<br />
11. Why you were trying to control the GD? I said I like to lead.<br />
12. What is a leader ? what are the qualities a leader should have?<br />
13. How was the test ? Do you like maths ? Do you always score high in maths ?<br />
13. Would you like to ask some thing to me? I said no, he said why no are you affraid, you feel like its taking risk.<br />
Than I asked him do you preffer to take M.Tech with experience or looking for completely fresher.


1. Practice well for Quantitative and reasoning. it will be use full for all the companies<br />
2. Try to take inititative in GD, show the leadership quality, give chance to other who are not speaking, dont shout,<br />
dont speak against others view, try to be neutral, try to speak atleast once in ever 2 min.<br />
3. Prepare you current year subjects plus intrested subject<br />
4. Be thorough about all the thing that you have written in your resume<br />
5. Specially for PDD students be prepared with atleast 1-2 innovative products along with report<br />
Thankyou<br />
All the Best

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The recruptment process was of two days that contain 5 rounds<br />
1. Quantity apttitute (1 Hour). Test was quite eassy all the questuion were form R.S Aggrawal<br />
2. GD (10+10min). They were looking for leadership qualities.<br />
3. One Night Project: Here thet told us to design one innovative product and make a presentation.<br />
Next day presentation was conducted at 9.00am<br />
In this round they told us that they were looking for our innovative ideas and presentation skill.<br />
I was having three innovative design that I have done during my first year of M.Tech. So same thing I presented.<br />
My Innovtive designs was about Conceptual design of Power Assisted Rickshaw, semi automatic dosa making<br />
machine and<br />
manually operated washing machine.<br />
Lot of question they asked me on my ideas, like have you thought of cost, have you done any market survey.<br />
why dont you think to implement this ideas, is this ideas realastic. if you want to implement any of your idea<br />
which one would you like to go with ( I said i will go with manully operated washing machine).<br />
After my presentation was over he said me I would like to talk to you on your ideas in detail once all the process<br />
is over. He asked me for the reports on my ideas. Immediately I took out from my bag and gave to him as the<br />
reports<br />
were already ready with me.<br />
4. HR Interview : Only for me HR interview was conducted first. HR interview was as mention above. At the end of<br />
my<br />
interview he gave me some hint that they are willing to take me because of my performance in GD, presentation and<br />
innovative ideas.<br />
5. Technical Interview : It was a telephonic interview. Questions were simple and similar to ever one but many were<br />
eliminated from this round. I think they were looking for more technically sound students who has the capabiltiy to<br />
expain simple thing more clearly. for example Stress- Strain Diagram they were expection to explain all the point on<br />
this diagram for diffrent material with reasons.

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