Aptitude Test : 30 Minutes<br />
Quantitative : 15 Minutes<br />
Reasoning / Analytical : 15 Minutes<br />
Verbal English : 0 Minutes<br />
Technical : 0 Minutes<br />
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:<br />
In aptitude they asked question on avg, problem on age, percentage, simple interest,<br />
time and work , i.e. all from R.S.Aggarwal<br />
Reasoning(only verbal)<br />
Blood relation, analogy, classification, coding-decoding, logical sequence of words.<br />
One passage given in which they have given information about sitting arrangement<br />
of person and question asked on it.
Name of the Topic / Task : self employment / job in established company<br />
Time Given : 30 Minutes<br />
Details of the process and your contribution:<br />
2) GD topic<br />
self employment / job in established company.<br />
Technical person in sales and marketing.<br />
It is 2 day process as follow<br />
a) aptitude b) G.D. c) on next day we have to present innovative product through ppt.<br />
d) telephonic technical interview e) HR.<br />
G.D.<br />
Topics are simple and general. They are giving two topics. Time limit is depend upon us,<br />
how our group performing. In general time given by them is
On next day after our presentation, our ppt and cv send to Bangalore .Interview is telephonic<br />
which is 1 hr duration.<br />
I explained about my project, then question on vibration, product design and development<br />
(as my branch is pdd), rapid prototyping.<br />
Thermodynamic- third law, rankine cycle, otto and diesel cycle, diff. between 2 stroke<br />
and 4 stroke.<br />
Som-explain points on stress -strain dig. , young’s modulus for mild steel SFD & BMD
G.D.-if someone quarrel in GD, try to control him by taking leadership and give chance<br />
to other. Try to put good points, example, your experience.<br />
Presentation – be confident .They only check your presentation skill. Innovative product<br />
must be technical. Question asked on your ppt.<br />
Interview (tech)-carry some knowledge about each subject<br />
HR- be frank and whatever in resume , you should able to talk on it.<br />
Share your experience and give example whenever required.<br />
Finally, express yourself whenever you get opportunity in all stages of selection process.<br />
ALL THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!