CpjJwWHV's Interview
871 unique views

Company: CTS
Package: 3.05 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : -- 55 Minutes -- 55 Questions
Quantitative : --16 Minutes -- 16 Questions
Reasoning / Analytical : -- 14 Minutes -- 14 Questions
Verbal English : --25 Minutes -- 25Questions

Was taken by AMCAT guys..!!
LR and Verbal quite easy ..
Mostly my friends got problems in quant section..Time constraint.

Technical Interview

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Your favorite subject.(Technical, ex- java , DBMS)
3. C and java difference.
4. Pl/SQl blocks ( have to write whole code ).
5. DBMS.queries.
6. Projects..in detail .
7. Oracle versions.
8. Link list queue basic difference.
9. Plan for higher studies.
10. Any questions.

Students were told straightforward after this round whether they are selected for HR round or not.
Total 42 interviews are going on at a time.

For other branches they go specifically on your domain side and ask logical or technical questions.

HR Interview

1. How was the day.
2. When cognizant formed.
3. CEO at that time & current CEO.
4. Your understanding of cognizant.
5. Why cognizant.
6. Minor discussion on projects.
7. Problem statements on project.

Whosoever reached this round are mainly in !!! ;)

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

630 applied ... 400 cleared for written..
181 rejected in technical rounds...
Final results are still awaiting.

Your projects are important..
Make them yourself.. Don't try to fake, those guys are smart.

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