CpjJwWHV's Interview
642 unique views

Company: CTS
Package: 3.05 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 90 Minutes
Quantitative : 30 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 40 Minutes
Verbal English : 20 Minutes
Technical : 0 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
The test was conducted by MeritTrac , chk out its site and see their papers .
In verbal english , they asked pretty simple questions like choose the CORRECT/INCORRECT sentences from the
given set of 4 statements . Apart from this there were Passage-based questions and arranging the given (jumbled
up ) sentences to form a meaningful paragraph .
In quant section , pretty simple questions ( basic maths ) were asked , but considering the time factor they were
very quite a lot , so speed up your problem-solving approach .
In logical reasoning , they asked CAT format questions ( relations / sets / etc )

Technical Interview

They clearly stated in the PPT itself tht candidates would b judged on : presence of mind , speech clarity , thought
clarity and attire ( so dont b casual in your outlook .. )
For me , they asked me : Tell me about yourself , then what was the last movie you watched .. narrate its story ,
andthen in between they would ask me technical questions and ask me to continue from where i left the story .
Bottomline : Be confident in your speech and dont let the interviewer have an edge over you , these small
companies jus see the amount of confidence you possess .

HR Interview

This was integrated with the technical interview . They asked : if i give you a proj tht is sure to exceed the deadline
would you take charge of it .. and blah blah ... and questions like .. if i sent you here on a project , would you haver
any probs ... were also put up .. tell them " it doesnt matter as long as it takes you carrier path spiralling up "


Be smart enough to dodge questions you might not know and also - Be careful about your body language and
dress-up sense .

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

It was pretty easy for me as i can bluff on the face .

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