CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Halliburton
Package: 8.4 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Pattern of the written test was non technical comprising of lengthy mathematical calculations and in technical branch related and some general knowledge questions were asked.

Pattern of Group Discussion

Topic of GD were Reservation , Inflation, Cause of Economic Recession in USA.

HR Interview

Only HR was asked and in that they asked about why I want to join Halliburton. I was asked why I am suitable for this company and to sell myself relating to this company. I had to convince them that I can bear any type of working conditions.
My family background was asked and I had to describe myself.


Be confident and must emphasize on the communication skills which is the foremost criteria in every interview. One should practice speaking good English and should have prior knowledge about the company.
Practice thoroughly the non technical part of the written test. Prepare well about your projects and training as they are asked alot. Be sure about what one is writing in the CV as they are thoroughly scanned.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

In Halliburton there was a written test both technical and non technical. After the written test there was a Group Discussion which lasted 1.5 Hours. I think it was the longest ever GD at ISM. Then after this Personal Interview was held.
Approximately 30-32 students applied and only 3 were selected. My rank was 7th...
Good GPA ofcourse matters in every company and but not the only criteria It is an advantage. Th things which worked were my good communication skills which was the most important part in this company which was judged properly in the GD phase and the way I sold myself and convinced them why I want to join this company and the petroleum field. I have done some very good projects and in very highly reputed comapany and research organisations and published some papers also. This part may have been considered. My extra curricular activities specially the achievements in the games field were admired and liked by them. And at last luck was also the deciding factor.

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