CpjJwWHV's Interview
1162 unique views

Company: Halliburton
Package: 8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

)written test(technical + aptitude)(45 mins per paper)
technical- general science + sprinkled with some electronics questions
aptitude- very easy. mostly calculation based.
shortlisted 40% of applicants

Pattern of Group Discussion

3 topics were given for discussion. the process lasted for about 45 mins
shortlisted 35 % of gd candidates for interview

GPA criteria

no shortlisting. hr person clearly specified that selection would be purely on the basis of performance in selection procedure

Technical Interview

technical- tcr bit functioning, function of offset

HR Interview

interview was hr mostly(my interview was very short as compared to others. lasted for 7-8 mins)
hr- wanted to know why i was so stubborn in the gd.
discussed in detail.
discussed about weakneses


be confident throughout the process
try to speak consistently in gd and try to start a discussion rather than a fight. giving a direction to gd will be well appreciated by the hr people. in interview most people had been grilled on how would they cope in the tough work environments in which the employees have to work in.so prepare this answer very well as you would have to convince them pretty well that this kind of job is meant for you.
be very frank with the interviewer, but don't try to act smart.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

knowledge of topics in gd and confidence.
good gpa may have been a minor factor

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