CpjJwWHV's Interview
2079 unique views

Company: Aricent
Package: 3.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

objective tests(eye for keenness;; QA & VR;; DS;; C/C++/Java)... have to clear all the individual global cutoffs.

Pattern of Group Discussion

GD : Mid-day meals should be privatized...

GPA criteria

6.5 above GPA..

Technical Interview

what is DOL starter .. applications
why high torque is needed in machines installed in mines and how?
draw speed-torque characteristics of DC shunt machine.
draw DC shunt machine & explain diff types of speed control.
(gave some specifications)... how to design the given IM.
what is SC & OC test of transformer.
why rated current is used in SC test and what will happen if not used.

write a program to print the no of times a function has been called.
what will be the problem if we declare static global variable
what are pointers and how they are used.

HR Interview

(mostly forgotten but..)

about you...why did u take electrical


1.) The most important thing is how you fill up the form. This is your first chance to make an impression. most of the guys dont take this seriously and fill in what ever comes to their mind.Avoid this, try to have a rough idea of the answers you are going to fill in. The language and your style is also very impt. Strictly dont make any grammatical errors ( this makes a very bad impression ). Remember that the interviewer would have already scrutinized your form prior to conducting the interview and would also have it during the process. What you fill in will decide most of the course of the interview esp. HR ( most of the technical questions are pre decided depending upon company profile but some may be based on the form)

2.) Since most of the written tests do not have negative marking do not leave any question unanswered or till the end, make an intelligent guess when you read the question for the first time itself. Since time is less it is very likely that you would end up randomly guessing answers to many questions. remember even one question can make the difference.

3.) always carry a confident attitude but be careful not to be over confident. Be modest , carry a gentle smile throughout, remember the interviewer does not expect you to know the answer to each and every question.. an interview with 60% questions right would qualify as a good one, so dont get nervous if you dont know the answer to some questions, its quite normal..also be careful about what you say and how you say it.. if you dont know an answer tell him so...what matters is how you convey it. Instead of saying " I dont know." say " I have not studied this Sir." what the company is looking for is the ability to learn and the aptitude, afterall they are going to train you for the job!!

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

6.5 above GPA

4 objective tests(eye for keenness;; QA & VR;; DS;; C/C++/Java)... have to clear all the individual global cutoffs.

GD... (not an elimination round)


initially about 120.
after objective tests about 45.
finally 19 got selected...
way of explaining..... twice he appreciated
project work ..

CpjJwWHV   hi....plz can u tell me the elegibility criteria for this company.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011, 12:00 am
CpjJwWHV   hi i am prabhakar jain .can u help me for getting the call for written test. so pls give u r id & contact no., my id is prabhakarjain59@gmail.com
Friday, September 9, 2011, 5:44 pm

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