CpjJwWHV's Interview
897 unique views

Company: BASF
Package: 4.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion


Technical Interview

tech: 1. detail about project
2. about long wall mining methods, condition, etc

HR Interview

HR: 1. tell me something about yourself
2. Q. bout hobbies n activities
3. where u see yourself 5 yrs down d line'
4. any Q. u would like to ask about BASF


claasic fundas: 1. feel confidence
2. technical questions were basically of level 2
3. when asked ..tell me something about yourself.... the only part HR is interested in is your conversation skill n bit about your content.... so speak meaningful...go on speaking about rt from basic to current you....untill HR asks u next question.....
4. show confidence...even u r bit nervous inside by looking into interviewers eye calmly....no fiddling with pen or hands....don't!
5. your answers should be perfect blend of you and wt HR wants to hear from u....... try to read interviewer's mind and rational behind his/her question.
6. when asked "any question you want to ask interviewer"... raise questions like scope of development in company, or come prepare for these classic questions.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

abt 20 applied,,,company came for only 1......but recruited 3
i think i was last ranker'..
my confidence.....my all round activities.... achievments... organizational skill..

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