Name of the Topic / Task : Can Inflation be controlled in current world?...
Cut off CGPA : 6.5 (backlogs does'nt matter) Group Discussion followed by only one interview(Tech and HR combined)
For Gd's you have to be thorough with the newspapers (go for Hindu,not Times of India). In Gd's they never see the
content(amount of time you speak). They look for 1.)Relevancy with the topic 2.) Logical reasoning 3.)ability to speak in a
convincing way 4.) discipline (don't shout or argue)
Only (25-30)% of my interview was technical ( it varied for my friends). Most of the interviewers ask for your favorite
subject. It is better to be thorough with at least two subjects(completely from head to tail).My subjects were FM and MT.
He asked me just 3-4 questions. I answered them perfectly.
About (70-75)% of my interview was HR. BASF looks for extreme extra curricular activities and 1.) Innovation 2.) Out of
the box thinking 3.)Team work 4.) Leadership skills 5.) Technical aptitude 6.) Communication skills 7.) Interpersonal
Relations 8.)how much you fit for the job etc
Four people were selected for BASF. Two of them were 9pointers and one of them was a 8pointer. My CGPA is 6.66. The
other three had projects in NCL,Dr.Reddy's,IICT,ITC,DRDO,etc. I had only one dumb project from NITW. The other
three members were good at extra curricular activities. I was not a part of any club for all the four years. It is all because of
No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour
After the results were announced, I asked the panel a question "Despite having a low CGPA, why did you'll select me?''
They said that "BASF does not look for CGPA. It recruits students based on ten competencies. They are:- 1.) Innovation
2.) Out of the box thinking 3.)Team work 4.) Leadership skills 5.) Technical aptitude 6.) Communication skills 7.)
Interpersonal Relations 8.)how much you fit for the job etc.