CpjJwWHV's Interview
1791 unique views

Company: ONGC
Package: 9.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

GPA criteria

Criteria = OGPA above 7.0 i.e., first class.

Technical Interview

Q1. What was your All India rank in IIT-JEE?
Q2. Why did you opt Environmental Engineering as your undergraduate major?
Q3. Was Environmental Engineering a choice or a compromise? Justify.
Q4. What are your areas of interest?
Q5. Role of environmental engineer in Petroleum Industry.
Q6. Explain the mechanism of emission trading.
Q7. What is the procedure for registering a CDM project?
Q8. What is the current exchange rate of CERs in different emission market?
Q9. What are the various markets for trading of CERs?
Q10. What are the NAAQS standards? What are the major pollutants considered for these standards?
Q11. What are the present NAAQS standards as amended recently in 2009?
Q12. What are GREEN TURTLES?
Q13. Where did you do your summer internship?
Q14. How do you justify the location of the Mathura Refinery to be not significantly affecting Taj Mahal?
Q15. Explain the working of the Trickling Filter.
Q16. What can be different measures that you can suggest to enhance the life-time of an Activated Carbon Filter?
Q17. What is the major problem as far as the pollution in petroleum industry is concerned? Give standards.
Q18. If there exists an ecological area, what do you consider it to be - a bank, a product from earth or a reserve, while accounting it economically?
Q19. How do you control noise pollution in petroleum industry?
Q20. Is noise considered as a separate component for the preparation of an EIA report?
Q21. How do you rate Copenhagen summit from India’s perspective? Was it of any benefit specifically to India.

HR Interview

Q1. What was your All India rank in IIT-JEE?
Q2. Why did you opt Environmental Engineering as your undergraduate major?
Q3. Was Environmental Engineering a choice or a compromise? Justify.
Q4. What are your areas of interest?


just be yourself, do not try to manipulate anything in an interview
give honest and COMPLETE answers.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

selection process included only one interview level
4/13 selected
rank 1st - among who had applied.
good project work and internship @ IOCL along with past achievements.

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