CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Adobe
Package: 6.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

aptitude : easy quant. technical : had 2 sctions of 30 mins each. Section 1 had 10 simple questions based on c/c++. few
algorithms were asked, eg. binary search tree depth. Most questions were from denis - ritchie. Sect 2 was general computer
science. had questions on 2's complement, logic gates, graph algorithms etc.

Technical Interview

Most of the emphasis was on C, OS and ds. there were 3 tech interviews questions included virtual functions, virtual
memory, segmentation and paging, stack code, dictionary searching, a few puzzles like the 1 km north-east-south. The
questions were simple, concept based. Hashing was also asked frequently. Questions on internship were also asked.

HR Interview

HR interview was very easy. I was shown the ppt again. lasted only bout 20 mins. questions were mostly about the family
background. also what i thought about IBM(were i interned).


Concentrate on C. completely read denis-ritchie. Solve simple puzzles, the wu site easy/medium would probably be
enough. In Ds, be confident on hashing. Most questions wil be standard, what will be available online.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Overall the selection process was very simple. only 4 ppl cleared the written. out of these 3 were selected. Regarding the
company, the HR presented a very good impression. Work being mostly in C, with region specific teams.

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