CpjJwWHV's Interview
697 unique views

Company: BASF
Package: 4.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : Are 20-20 matches killing real cricket skills....
The GD went for 15 minutes and in the end all the team members gave their respective conclusions . As the topic is quite
familiar everyone took a good part in discussing the pros and cons. I have supported that these matches are really killing
the skills.

Technical Interview

The questions were mainly project based. Basics of Mass Transfer and CRE were asked. Every aspect of the Project was
asked and personal contribution is stressed.

HR Interview

Questions like tell me about yourself, details of family, place and hobbies were asked. Major part of the questions were on
the Extra Academic activities, leadership in the committees and role in clubs of NIT Warangal.


Be confident regarding your Projects. They will contribute a lot during the interview. Have enough confidence and good
communication skills. Keep an overview of basics of subjects like Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer and CRE before attending
the interview.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The interview was very cool and stress free. Projects and Extra academic activities were given importance. Every aspect of
our planning and priorities in the college were tested. Communication and Confidence played major role during the
interview. The Panel members were fair enough to inform that they are not gender biased at the beginning of the interview.

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