CpjJwWHV's Interview
664 unique views

Company: BASF
Package: 4.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : Should valentines day be celebrated?.....
we were given 5 mins intially for generating idea.then we were asked to start.basic info like date why it celebratd etc were
discussed.I waqs neither favouring the topic nor disagreeing with it. i put in new ideas regarding the way it should be
celebrated and examples were given to substantiate each point i put in.

Technical Interview

cooling towers, chilling towers, elevation of boiling point, sedimentation, depression of freezing point, why use brine
solution for cooling(based on my project)...

HR Interview

why basf? tell about ur self? why should we hire you? diff between education and learning? how do you manage ur time


Guys this is one of the best companies u acn work work. Worlds largest chemical comanpy and number 1. DOnt go by the
package. the growth potenital is unlimted as they produce everything under the sun.Do your home work before u sit for the
interview and brush up all ur basics of MT, CRE, FPM etc. Prepare for hr as well. IMP : do not argue or shout in the gd.
just give in ur thoughts and speak with a smile. IT IS NOT A CG BASED SELECTION. All the best.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

It was my first interview and the pannel members were so friendly tat i never feltr nervous.They were very profesional and
down to earth an had a positive attitude around them.

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