CpjJwWHV's Interview
3368 unique views

Company: ONGC
Package: 9.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

GPA criteria

Minimum OGPA criteria: University first class ( 7.00 in ISM, Dhanbad)

Technical Interview

Technical questions:
1. what is the use of Horner' s plot?
2. what do you means by formation damage ? how do you determine this ?
3. what is the range of skin factor ?
4. what are the components of drill string ?
5. Difference between Oil based mud and Water based mud ?
6. what do you understand by semiconductor ?

HR Interview

HR questions :
1. what is the area of interest ?
2. If i will give you other area then will you work ?


selection process:
CV/ ONGC form submission


3 unsuccessful attempts in British Gas, Cairn India, Essar Oil

Suggestions :
- Technical knowledge of petroleum engineering should be clear.
- confident but don't show overconfidence.
- Be polite during interview .
- should read about ONGC ( like annual report, working place, job condition).

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

number of applicants: 38
number of selection : 28
my rank: 16

My project work in IDT,ONGC, Dehradun that helped me a lot. Apart from this good gpa and my past interview experience helped me.

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