CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: ONGC
Package: 9.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

GPA criteria

shortlisting on basis of OGPA (minimum 7.00 was required).

Technical Interview

1)what is your area of interest?
2)tell us something about yourself??
3)will u be able to bear the hardships of life of drilling engineer?
4)what projects have u done??
5)what is coring?
6)what are different types of coring??
7)types of drilling bits??
8)role of drilling fluid in drilling process??
9)what is the reason of dispute between drilling and production engineer regarding drilling mud ??why??
10)what sports do u play??
some questions related to geology ,basic physics and electrical engineering were also asked.


2 attempts,BG and Cairn energy
confidence is key to be successful in a job interview, secondly u must have a sound knowledge of subject. also try to get as much as possible from your industrial training ,ask questions and learn seriously during this period ,it helps a lot during your job interview.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

selection process: campus interview
total no. of applicants: 38
no. of selected students: 28
my rank among applicants: 18

subject knowledge , confidence , training experiences and luck as well.

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