CpjJwWHV's Interview
812 unique views

Company: infosys
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

the selection consists of written test and interview

Technical Interview

what is elasticity & modulous....
project related questions...

HR Interview

tell me about yourself in 2 min?
you r from mechnical background then why u r not interested in going to core?
tell me your strength and weakness and also tell why?
how you spent your 24hrs of a day?




do not b nervous and donot pannic during interview even though they r screwing u.it is there work to screw u.

best of luck.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

500 students applied of which 305 cleared 1st round and 265 finally got selected.

good communication skill & presence of mind.

Last night you and your best friend had a fight.

You decide not to talk to your friend the next day.

Your friend smiles at you.

You grind your teeth at Your friend.

Your friend tries to come and talk to you.

But you push Your friend aside.

Your friend tries to reach to you . Your friend gives you prank calls just for fun and to cheer you up, tries to talk to you, but you behave absolutely rude to Your friend

Deep down you know everyone has reasons to behave the way they do, but you don't even bother to ask Your friend the reason for behaving so... ego seeps in and binds you from clarifying the matter with Your friend...

all you have is hatred.

The next day you find a note. It reads:

Dear -------------,

I tried to tell you yesterday, but you didn ' t let me speak,

I tried to tell you good things,but you were afraid to hear them.
I tried to smile at you, to take away the hate.

But now it ' s time to tell you, even though it ' s a bit late. That i am dying.

I have a bad condition and it is getting worse. I ' m sorry to have to tell you that i won ' t be able to see you today. I wrote this to you today in the hospital.

My time is up.

I ' m sorry i should have told you sooner.

I ' m really sorry about our argument,you are such a great friend.
I promise i shall watch over you,

Lots of love


You run to the hospital to tell Your friend you are sorry,

But only Your friend's mum is left.

Your friend's hand clasped over own face.

And she was crying. Down on knees she prays, for her child to come back.

You are too late.

You wish you told Your friend sorry sooner and got to say good-bye.

All friends have their ups and downs, and sometimes you need to say sorry... Don' t wait for the other person to do it first.

Because you never know what could happen.

"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world - not even our troubles."


I wish we could have lived in the moment being friends and to not have planed way too much in advance.

Sunday, January 22, 2012, 2:27 am

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