CpjJwWHV's Interview
1591 unique views

Company: Samsung
Package: 4.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Firstly there was an aptitude and logical reasoning test consisting of 50 questions, we had to solve that in 1 hr. Then we had a technical written test consisting of 30 questions in 1 hr., after then there was a technical interview round and a HR round...

Pattern of Group Discussion

The GD topics are so vast that mentioning a few here won't suffice. any random topic can be given..

GPA criteria

Some companies shortlisted on the basis of CGPA's but mainly the candidates were shortlisted on the basis of their performance in written tests.

Technical Interview

In tech questions regarding every field u have studied till then will be asked so be prepared for everything

HR Interview

. HR includes your introduction and all the regular stuffs, basically it differs from company to company.


just go through the web plenty of suggestions r there. P.S. never mention about your future study plans in your interviews, it gives company the impression that the guy won't last long in their company n soon will leave the company to pursue his higher studies.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Finally 10 students were selected in the company out of nearly 80 odd. I secured 2nd rank in the whole procedure. :)
Empirical experiences, the confidence, definitely the good projects, and above all the blessings of my parents,teachers and loved ones. i don't know may be luck too favoured me that day. :)

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