CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Package: Confidential
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 60 Minutes<br />
Quantitative : 0 Minutes<br />
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes<br />
Verbal English : 0 Minutes<br />
Technical : 0 Minutes<br />
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:<br />
There were 60 questions and the time allotted was 60 minutes. Questions were asked on ratios and proportion<br />
,average, time, work ,speed and distance, pipes and cisterns,simple and compound interest, calendar, probablity,<br />
etc,.After that questions were asked on Comprehensive english passages. Questions were relatively simple, but one<br />
needs to be faster to solve as many questions possible.RS Agarwal and any CAT book for qualitative is enough. No<br />
technical questions were asked in that....

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : 2 topics mentioned below<br />
Time Given : 20 Minutes<br />
Details of the process and your contribution:<br />
2 topics of 10 min. duration each. 1.Self employment/entrepreneurship vs job in a company. 2. Should Technical<br />
persons be involved in Sales and Marketing? I always supported my fellowmates and added my own points<br />
accordingly in order to support them. Thus one should always follow this criteria in GD...and neither speak too<br />
much nor too less.... and try to provide a conclusion for your discussion.

Technical Interview

It was a telephonic interview of 40 minutes .They asked the basic questions of almost every subjects of electronics<br />
like:<br />
diff. between analog and digital circuits, FPGA and ASIC, Verilog and VHDL, AM and FM, Shannon Source and<br />
Channel coding theorm, Microprocessor and microcontroller diff., 32 bit microcontroller name, Hysteresis loss,<br />
reminescence, Amperes law, Solenoidal rule,Faraday law of EMI, how to dump VHDL code on FPGA.working of DC<br />
motor.they also asked diff. between C and C++, linked list and array basics, classes and structures. Thus , one<br />
need to prepare thoroughly for it.....No formula and derivation required for preparation.

HR Interview

They asked my basic introduction, family background, plan for higher studies or not,what is your aim in life... any<br />
experience which is still fresh in your mind...in HR try to convince the panel member that you have done research<br />
for the company before applying for it...and you would stick to his company for a longer period of time...They also<br />
asked my extra academic activities and participation in some events....Thus it was a relatively simple one....


1.Before applying for any company , try to know atleast 3-4 basic facts about the company and inter-relate them<br />
with your strengths...this is the most basic requirement.<br />
2.Prepare the basics of each subjects very well, not on the day before the company is scheduled to come...but from<br />
previously so that u will have confidence in that....This I am saying from my experience as it would definitely be<br />
useful for you...<br />
3. Dont take the HR lightly...many are disqualified in that round also even after having good technical skills....Try to<br />
be as simple as possible...Always explain your strengths with examples...<br />
4. Lastly, friends Believe in yourself,self-confidence...Try to put in your maximun effort and leave the rest...BEST OF<br />
LUCK for your placements...

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The total process lasted for 2 days...On the 1st day, we had apti and group discussion round...After that ,we were<br />
given an over night project to complete that night and be ready for the presentation in the next morning. The<br />
overnight project was that we had to provide an idea to design a technology based on either of 2 features...a new<br />
innovative technology or an improvement in some recent technology...We were given a maximun of 15 min. to<br />
present our idea...After that we had technical interview (telephonic) and then finally HR...There was shortlisting<br />
done at each and every round...Hence a bit hectic one...but evening when the results were announced ...I felt on<br />
the top of the world.

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