CpjJwWHV's Interview
874 unique views

Company: infosys
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Reasoning LR : -- 20 Minutes -- 15 Questions
Mathematical critical Reasoning / Analytical : -- 35 minutes -- 10 Questions
Verbal English : -- 35 Minutes -- 40 Questions

Level was quite good.
Reasoning LR:- syllogism, pure reasoning, data sufficiency, connectives and all.

Critical reasoning :- quant good level., fill in table to solve.

Verbal: sentence correction, fill in blanks, no antonym synonym, RC and all.

HR Interview

HR was good, friendly.

1.Have seat.
2. Some personal questions on school location.
3. Tell me in brief about your school, academic background, family, hobbies, and projects.
4. Discussion about first project.
5. Discussion about second project.
6. Java and c difference.
7. what other activities you have done in college.
8. Have any lead role.
9. What technologies you would like to work on.
9. Any ques.?

Some were asked to write programs , sorting , palindrome , fobonnaci , DBMS and all.

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