CpjJwWHV's Interview
871 unique views

Company: Halliburton
Package: 8.4 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Written was 1 hr aptitude which included basically long multi, div etc of fractions
and i hr general physics, mechanical, geo etc

CpjJwWHV   how did you prepare for the written test.I mean any notes or books that you used for preparation?
Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 1:17 am

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Pattern of Group Discussion

Group Discussion: 1 hr
GD around 5 topics WTC, economic crisis, economic reforms, reservations etc. and after GD we were required to to pick one name who according to us should go into the next round.

GPA criteria


Technical Interview


HR Interview

1) I had excellent grades so why wasnt i opting for higher education. they grilled me on this for around 10 mins.
2) Y didnot you get selected in earlier companies?
3) sell yourself for halliburton
4) we were made to write abt strength , weaknesss, where do you see yourself 5 yrs dwn the line
and he grillled me on weaknesses
basically all they were looking for is my motivation and confidence.


1) BG, 2) Cairn energy 3) Ongc
dont get carrried away by what the Hr says....most of the times he would be arguing on qualities that you have and he wants, but he would try to project it as a negative one, so just stick to what you are and be confidnt and positive that its ur strength rather than weakness

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

around 70 applied 6 got selected. My rank was amongst top 10
OOdles of confidence

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